Noble Day Care Music Classes

Lesson 37

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as we prep for summer fun! Help Aiken Drum dress for the summer sun, get moving during our pretend camping adventure, “fix” the broken Little Red Wagon, play a video version of hopscotch and practice memory skills with sea creature hand gestures.

Items needed from instrument bag:
Little Red Wagon - any prop of choice such as egg shaker, stretchy band, sock, etc…

Hello song - 0:08
Aiken Drum (focus) - 2:46
Down in the Valley (movement activity) - 6:26
Little Red Wagon (prop activity) - 14:13
There Was a Tree (book) - 19:15
Dum Dum Ditty (video hopscotch) - 23:04
A Sailor Went to Sea (memory) - 26:57
Goodbye - 29:16

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Past Classes

Lesson 36

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa as we compare long versus short. Design Aiken Drum’s face using short and long food items, create short and long body motions, try to guess what’s being said in our book based on the characters’ sounds, make long and short animal calls and then practice box breathing for relaxation.

Items needed:
Riding in a Car - bean bags (alternative: small object to hold in hands)

Lesson 35

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as we review opposites! Some musical opposites include fast/slow, loud/quiet, high/low and long/short. Learn steps to our Old Brass Wagon line dance, create letter shapes and sounds, play freeze dance and join us for a morning and evening mindfulness activity while viewing beautiful images of nature.

Items needed:
Old MacDonald - rhythm sticks and stretchy band (alternative: string, movement scarf, piece of fabric, etc)

Lesson 34

Let’s explore patterns! Discover pattern markings on insects, get moving with various picture patterns, read a book filled with animal and decorative patterns and create a gesture pattern with Susie the puppet.

Items needed:
Sing, Sing Together - shaker and jingles (alternatives: two separate instruments or objects that make sound to hold in each hand)

Lesson 33

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa as we enjoy Spring! Move like hibernating animals waking up, practice the life cycle of a butterfly, review the steps of gardening, use insects to create Aiken Drum and practice deep breathing using a pretend dandelion.

Items needed:
Old Brass Wagon - stretchy band (alternatives: movement scarf, piece of fabric, or simple hand gestures)

Lesson 32

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa as we compare loud, quiet and silent! Sing louder and quieter with the help of our friends zebra and panda, use our bean bags to pretend we’re riding in various types of transportation, learn a song to help quiet a crying baby, practice silently hearing part of a song in our mind and end with a listening game.

Items needed:
Here We Go - bean bag (alternative: small object to hold in hands)

Lesson 31

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa as the music moves us! Play freeze dance, move with a scarf, explore how music makes us feel, ride in a wagon and sing a lullaby while finding calming movements to help our memorization skills.

Items needed:
Matarile - movement scarf

Lesson 30

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore beat versus rhythm! Practice self love, pretend to be a chocolate monster, play with rhythm sticks, read a funny book about a silly duck, move our bodies to the beat, then relax with a beautiful lullaby.

Items needed:
Zum Gali Gali - rhythm sticks

Lesson 29

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa as they explore silence! Play with a nervous rabbit, embody silence with free movement, use a shaker to practice self control so we can make them silent, read a great book about worrying, then practice expressing different emotions.

Items needed:
Old Brass Wagon - shaker

Lesson 28

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as the create, compose and choreograph! Help Ms. Lisa figure out different occupations, explore numerous emotions through movement, lasso a “cow” bean bag with a scarf, sing an echo song, then relax with some spring time stretching.

Items needed:
Zum Gali - scarf and bean bag (optional)

Lesson 27

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa as they explore high versus low! Sing a new echo song, find silly ways to wear a hat, use high and low voices during our book, locate our sneaky jazz baby by searching up high and down low and help Ms. Lisa pick rhyming words to fit in our song.

Items needed:
My Hat is Has Three Corners - hat (alternatives: piece of paper, tissue, scarf, any object that can be placed on various body parts)

Lesson 26

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa as they explore long and short! Sing long and short sounds with Pretty Little Suzy, move along to a mixed meter poem while making long and short vehicle sounds, play with rhythm sticks, roar with a lion, use a “bottle of pop” to explore long and short sounds, then relax with calming long and short movements while we sing a soothing song.

Items needed:
Sur Le Pont D’Avignon - rhythm sticks

Lesson 25

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore all of the fun things our voices can do! Sing our Sailor song in fun new ways, use different voices as we move our bodies, play with shakers while we learn new Spanish words, whisper and sing with a brave cowboy, practice animal voices and whisper to our “babies” to help them fall asleep.

Items needed:
Matarile - shaker or rattle

Lesson 24

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore all things fast and slow! Challenge our memories and see how fast we can sing our Sailor song, ride in a rocket ship, play with bean bags, Greet the Sun and sing along with a fun book, make a chocolate machine and relax while singing about our night time routines.

Items needed:
Dum Dum Ditty - bean bag (alternatives: small stuffed animal, small ball, rolled up sock, etc)

Lesson 23

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa as they move with the music! Interact with cartoon images as we sing “One Bottle of Pop”, use opposites to find new movements, play with scarves while singing in Spanish, read the Snowy Day for inspiration on fun ways to move in the snow, play a footstep movement game and finally (after all that moving) relax with a beautiful lullaby.

Items needed:
Matarile - movement scarf

Lesson 22

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore quiet versus loud! Play with a rabbit, find loud and soft movements, sing a Chinese celebration song while playing instruments, enjoy a fun book about Charlie Parker, watch our instruments have a soft vs loud competition, the relax with a quiet lullaby.

Items needed:
Gong Xi - egg shakers or another item that makes sound to improvise as an instrument

Lesson 21

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa while they explore steady beat! Move to the beat, play jingles while challenging our memories, read a fun book to the beat, practice calm down techniques while look for Suzy the puppet the relax with a beautiful Spanish Lullaby.

Items needed:
A Sailor Went to Sea - jingles (alternatives: rattle, shaker, tambourine, bell, water bottle filled with rice, etc)

Lesson 20

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore silence! Dance in the winter snow, explore free movement while embodying silence, play with a beautiful scarf, read a book and sing a song celebrating the Chinese New Year, make a delicious soup, then relax with one our absolute favorite songs-One Bottle of Pop!

Items needed:
Down in the Valley - movement scarf (alternatives: light blanket, dishrag, ribbon, etc)

Lesson 19

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore all things high and low! Use animal friends to find our high and low voices, pretend to play in the snow, use rhythm sticks to brainstorm vehicles that go high and low, read a fun book and sing a song about hats, and relax while listening to different types of saxophones play high and low sounds!

Items needed from material bag:
Train is A-Comin’ - pair of rhythm sticks (alternatives: chop sticks, wooden spoons, pencils, etc)

Lesson 18

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa as they focus on developing creativity! Pretend to play in the snow, use feelings to find fun movements, use our imaginations to create new ideas with rhythm sticks, learn how fun it can be to include our friends’ ideas when we play, create our own dance using a spinner and then relax with a calming lullaby.

Needed items:
Winter Snow - movement scarf (alternatives: lightweight dishrag, tissue paper, baby blanket, etc)
Way Hey - rhythm sticks (alternatives: chop sticks, pencils, wooden spoons, etc)

Lesson 17

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa as they explore long versus short sounds and movements! Stretch and move your body with long and short movements, make short and long shaker sounds, learn different ways to play with Mo Willems’ Elephant and Piggie, play and imaginary game of catch then relax with a calming lullaby accompanied by short and long sounds on a rainstick.

Items needed:
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes - stretchy headband (alternatives: rubber band, headband/sweatband, scrunchie, sock, etc..)
Chickalileeo - shaker

Lesson 16

Join us as we explore singing vs speaking! Find new ways to move, use a sock puppet to learn our right and left hands, read a fun book about waiting, teach our sock puppet Spanish words, and relax while singing a beautiful lullaby.

Items needed:
snowman sock puppet made in previous lesson (or a regular sock)

Lesson 15

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore fast and slow! At the beginning of class play a fun scavenger hunt game to find everything we need for the rest of class, do a butterfly dance, use your imagination to explore something as simple as a shoe, read book about controlling anger, practice controlling anger by singing and using a ball, and then relax while listening to a rainstick.

Items to find during A-Hunting We Will Go scavenger hunt:
scarf or blanket, shoe, book, ball and shaker

Lesson 14

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa as they explore beat versus rhythm. This week’s lesson includes lots of fun wintery activities! Pretend to play in the snow, make a snowman puppet, play with jingle bells, ride a pretend sleigh and play a drum!

Needed items:
Winter Snow (Autumn Leaves) - white sock, markers
Jingle Bells - jingles or shaker
Sleigh is a Comin’ - blanket (or rug, box, cushion, etc) to use as a pretend sleigh

Lesson 13

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore how music moves us! Learn a fun hand clapping game, find animals in Ms. Lisa’s house, explore our feelings, dance and then relax with some gentle stretches.

Needed items:
Chickalileeo - stretchy band (alternatives: headband/sweatband, scrunchie, rubber band, sock, etc..)

Lesson 12

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore soft and loud. Pretend to be a train, make silly animal sounds, play freeze dance and then relax with a beautiful Cuban lullaby.

Needed items:
Right Hand, Left Hand - sticker
Train is a Comin’ - jingle or shaker (alternatives: rattle, plastic bottle filled with rice, bell, etc)

Lesson 11

Join Ms. Emily, Ms. Lisa and... Turkey? Yes! Turkey! As they explore silence and Thanksgiving fun! Read a fun Turkey book, teach Turkey how to handle worried feelings, dance with Turkey and play a modified hopscotch game!

Needed items:
La mariposa - stuffed animal (optional)
Chickalileeo - jingle or shaker

Lesson 10

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore high vs low! Find our Turkey who is hiding in high and low places, sing high and low while reading about trains, practice helping with Ms. Emily and relax with a lullaby while rocking your favorite stuffed animal.

Needed items:
Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go - scarf (alternatives: lightweight dishrag, tissue paper, baby blanket, etc)
En Roulant - ball and “bowling pins” (such as dominos, plastic bottles, etc)
Chickalileeo - favorite stuffed animal

Lesson 9

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore long vs short! Play a version of “red light/green light” with long and short sounds, pretend to be trains, read a fun book about hiking, feed a sock “turkey” puppet and then relax with a beautiful melody played on the piano using long and short sounds.

Needed items:
Kye Kye Kule - stretchy band (alternatives: headband/sweatband, scrunchie, rubber band, etc..)
Little Wheel - sock to use as sock puppet

Lesson 8

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore voice types! Sing a fun rhyming song, practice echoing, play with a pretty scarf and relax while listening to a beautiful song sung in a round.

Needed items: movement scarf (alternatives: lightweight dishrag, tissue paper, baby blanket, etc)

Lesson 7

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily for some Halloween fun! Sing the “Hello Song” to your Halloween costume, pretend to ride a broom, watch some friends perform 5 Little Pumpkins with real pumpkins and enjoy other spooky silliness!

Needed items: broom (alternatives: wooden stick, duster, toy sword, etc)

Lesson 6

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as we work on fine motor skills (small muscle movements such as holding a pencil, finger wiggles, zippering a coat, facial expressions, etc) and gross motor skills (larger movements such as stomping, patting lap, crawling, etc) through music. Get dancing with Skelly the Skeleton, make some leaf art, go on a “spooky” bus ride and decide if the mood of our song shifts when played in a minor key.

Needed items: leaves from outside, paper, and crayons/colored pencils or markers

Lesson 5

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore fast and slow. Get a taste of fall with our 2 Little Apples and 5 Little Pumpkins poems, go on a hike, dance with a toy skeleton and play a fast and slow singing game with a drum!

Needed items: movement scarf (alternatives: lightweight dishrag, tissue paper, baby blanket, etc)

Lesson 4

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they dive into a movement focused lesson! We'll play with autumn leaves by identifying their colors and then use them to help get our bodies moving. We'll practice a fun echo song. Then, read a fun book about pumpkins! Jump into fall with us!

Need items: stretchy band (alternatives: long sock, winter scarf, headband, etc)

Lesson 3

Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as they explore Quiet VS Loud! Move quietly and loudly, learn how to express feelings in quiet and loud ways then learn colors with a fun poem about apples!

Needed items: egg shaker (alternative: rattle, salt/pepper grinder, small container filled with multiple objects like paper clips, etc)

Lesson 2

Join Ms. Emily and Ms. Lisa as they keep the beat! Move to the beat, shake to the beat, then relax with some calm down techniques.

Needed items: egg shaker (alternative: rattle, salt/pepper grinder, small container filled with multiple objects like paper clips, etc)

Lesson 1

Welcome to music class this year! Join Ms. Lisa and Ms. Emily as we explore high versus low by moving our bodies and a scarf. Plus, we’ll identify the steps of a morning routine and learn about musical rounds.

Needed item: a scarf or light weight piece of fabric like a dishrag, tissue or ribbon